Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Glass of Water (Written Upon Popular Request)
There are people who are trusted more than their actual credibility and there are those who are seldom trusted inspite of their genuine nature. Then there are those rascals who have sweetness in words but poisoned bitterness at heart. There are those gentlemen who sound bitter because truth is always bitter and there are those silent killers who can never be judged.
Here is a meaningful comparison of people around us with a glass of water. ( After my friends who know me well insisted that I write about this.)
Person 1 - Is a full glass of water. Ofcourse you can quench your thirst irrespective of what kind of a person you are. These people are gentlemen of the first order. The friend you like the most. Now don't ask if he likes you the same. Trust me that purely depends on you and only you.
Person 2 - Is a full glass of water with both his hands covering the glass - You never know if he has water in his glass. The other thing is that you are not interested ih him even if you are thirsty. Trust me !! You would rather die than ask for his help. May be, his attitude sucks!! Huh!!
Person 3 - Is a half full glass of water. You are not sure if you will have your sip. The fear of rejection will not allow you to ask. These people are self sustaining and will only help if you are Person 5 (Refer Below)
Person 4 - Is a half full glass of water with his hands covering the glass - He projects that he is a full glass of water. He might share a sip just to convince you that he is not lying. Not a trusted partner but yeah! You don't have to care as long as you get what you want.
Person 5 - Is an empty glass Who accepts what he is. Trust me!!! whether you want it that way or not, You will be ready to help him. A person with low esteem who knows not how to ask. He will worship you if you help and you will help only for this reason.
Person 6 - Is an empty glass with his hands covering the glass. Now most of us will fall prey for these types. These people will set your expectation high. You will never get what you want because there is nothing in the glass and you will never come to know. You will blame yourself in the end because he will make you feel that you snapped the string. If you are with this person you are doomed.
( Now associate water with the element that you wanted in a person. Be it, Love, Friendship, Knowledge or what ever you expect)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Child My Teacher
Then, the time came when he taught me a precious lesson which I will practice until my death. He was awake lying on bed with pillows on sides as barricades. He kicked the pillow on his right and it fell on the floor and one swift turn on to his right in an attempt to locate the absconding pillow. A banging noise followed by a loud scream. I was in the kitchen cooking and my wife was working on the washing machine. We picked him up and checked for any bruises on his head. Luckily he escaped unhurt.Tears were falling from his eyes. I put him on the bed again and gave a toy. Before his tears were dry, he started roaring into laughter. It was as if he was telling me " Dad, there is no worry in this world worth holding for too long". It took me 30 Years to learn this.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Change Vs Transformation
Yeah may be to those people who want to be jack of all arts. I skeptically elude them from my thought and sincerely advise them to close this page. My thoughts represent those who aim at mastery.
Of course, you can change your costume every day, Your toothbrush every month, Your under wears once in two months, Your bike or car once a year. These lifeless things are supposed to change . Are we only as good as these things.
Don't you think that it is more to us than these things? Let us take it that we change ourselves for something or someone today and tomorrow that something or someone is no more a part of our life. Will we continue with that change?Definitely no. We will again change.
You will change so much that one day you will lose the elasticity and live no more and there on you will just exist.If you are so vulnerable to change, probably one day your girfriend may change you for some one else.
If you keep changing to please or convince others you will one day break.
So what do you do? How do you resist change? Transform. Transformation is permanent.
Let every thing around you change while you transform. When you transform, you will be accepted as you are. No questions asked.
None will have the guts or thought of expecting a change from you. Transformation is possible only when you talk to your self.
It is like how you draft a article and re-examine carefully numerous times before you
publish it. Your article will be published only when it is good. Such is transformation. Transformation is a process of refinement of one self.
Change is temporary. I prefer transformation to change. I wish to transform myself into a better human being. I don't think change would do good in the long run.The entirity of the transformation depends upon the need, sustainability and above all your undeterred will with an uncompromising integrity.
My Dad always says " Every man is right in his own thoughts, deeds and actions. No one practices or believes anything with out a valid reason. The Problem arises when a man wants his idea to be followed by all around him and thinks only what he does is right and rest all are folly".
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Complexity of life
Beyond the reasoning of Science and technology there is always the unknown myth waiting to be understood.
Science can only view existing system in a new way. Meaning, Every thing is already there. science just rediscovers it and calls it a new name. Even before Newton discovered gravity, the apples were falling.
Can science logically tell us who god is?
What is this myth? Why is it unknown? Why cant it be just made available to every man.
Let us take ourselves. What are we? We have a structure, a body which we can see.. We know heart and mind exists. Scientifically heart and mind are the same. They are just the left and the right cerebrum of your brain. Heart is just an organ. An oxygen pumping machine. But If science can explain everything, we would not have any issues. We know what heart means. It is a bag of desires, dreams, wishes etc.. etc.. Some times an idea can be shared both by the mind as well as the heart!!! Many a times heart wins over the mind or viceversa and pushes the body to do things which generally are deemed impossible. So what is body actually? Is it a medium that holds the mind and the heart? We have a body which is the first worldly thing that we possess in this earth.. In it resides the mind and heart.. Body is mortal.. A perishable commodity.. Mind and heart cannot stay without the body.. So will the mind(Intellect) and the heart(Emotions) perish as well? We can comfortably assume that they will perish too over a period of time (which might even happen long after the body dies.. Not a good idea to have the scientific approach at this stage to debate on this. This could yet be conceived as the myth waiting to be uncovered). If Mind Heart and body are mortal, then what is immortal? What goes on and on with out death. For now let us name it the soul. Mind and Heart takes charge of the body slowly as one grows and the soul gets hidden deep inside us almost in a dormant state. Once the mind instructs the body to do something and body accepts the order and does what it was told to do, the mind feels that it is powerful than any other element that can control the body. Slowly the heart moves in as a rival and/or a competitor to the mind. The body now listens to two masters. The fight between the mind and the heart goes on and on with a lot of wins and loss. The real master, our soul is still sleeping dormant waiting to be called. This awakening of soul almost never happens to a common man and when the body retires, the soul is disturbed and it wakes up and goes and finds another body or just wanders in planes unknown. Is it really possible to realise the soul with in us? The anwser is yes. I have told you already that when the mind and the heart works in unison on one thought or idea , the execution of the action is perfect and the result a grand success!!! Who will bring this awaken state of the soul? Is it the Mind,Heart or the body? The three musketeers should be mastered to be in the same page. Somewhere something should crack and pave way for a new living where the Mind, Heart and Body should have only one aim which is to realise the soul hidden in the deeper depths of thyself. The awakened soul can skip a couple of rebirths. The soul after completion of the refinement process over a series of rebirths can attain a state which the conscious mind cannot conceive. In that state the entire system that the soul puts itself in ( be it earth or any other plane) will dance according to the tunes of the soul. The Soul decides whether it should come to earth in the form of life or remain immortal through space and time... Sounds interesting huh? Well, this can be considered just as a theory. I feel there is logic in it.. You cannot call this rubbish.. Yet you cannot completely trust this content. That is where the problem is. Your mind or heart thinks that this whole idea might be a possibility. May be your heart agrees and your mind disagrees or viceversa. To understand things better make your mind and heart as one. This will pave way to new learnings.. How does one unite the mind and the heart? More on my next article...........