Friday, November 21, 2008

Come out of Sorrow

When one identifies the difference between reality and Imagination and has no means to bridge this gap, he/she paves way to worry. When one is worried he is trapped in this gap and it is the worst disease mankind can ever have. It ruins health and deteriorates the qualities of the five sense organs. Worry is caused by the absence of intellectual knowledge when a particular not so comfortable finding or an incident happens in one's life and when one doesnot know the reason for such a happening.

I will give you a simple,very powerful yet not so easy technique to combat sorrow.
First, Let us know how we react on different occassions.
When we are at peace, we are calm and composed and our BREATH has a smooth rhythm.
When we are tensed or scared our BREATH takes a uphill path.(Stomach Churning)
When we are joyous and ecstatic our BREATH takes a downhill path. (Heart feels light)
When we are angry our BREATH is fast and short.(Facial reaction)

Though we have only one body, it behaves in a different fashion when subjected to different inward and outward conditions which means that our body is not feelproof.
So, when you identify yourself with passion,Joy,anger,lust,sorrow, pain (you name any feeling) and so many other complications, irrespective of whether you feel good or bad, you should have your consciousness on your BREATH. Just have a easy, full, deep, diaphragmatic breathing.

Though you can witness these feelings above, you should not identify yourself through them. Apply common sense whereever possible. Let us say that you play a game and you win. You feel very happy. Can you sustain this happiness forever? Definitely no. The moment you lose you become gloomy and sad faced.Then why have such a feeling which does not last forever?
But PEACE can be a permenant resident of your mind and body with this little practice called BREATH consciousness.

In all your three states (waking, dreaming, deep sleep) that you identify yourself with, you breathe. Is breathing a conscious effort? No, it is an involuntary or subconsious action. But adding consciousness to BREATH will remove all pain and sorrow. A great man said " Breath! One's only prayer. Consciousness! one's only god. Humanity! one's only religion".

On an average an ordinary man breathes (in and out is one cycle) 15 times per minute. In a day we breathe 21600 times. But people with breath consciousness breathe only 16000 times in a day on an average.
These people normally live longer than an average man and they are not affected by any health issues.Their aging process is slow. They are at peace all the time. so what do these men do? Do they stop breathing in between? NO.... They breathe all the time. But they have a deep, full diapragmatic breathing all the time. Try it. It might seem difficult initially but once you are skilfull in this art, you are at peace all the time.

Let us identify the science behind this. When we breathe in, we take in oxygen and when we breathe out, we give out corbon di-oxide. When we have short breath or uneven breath, we fail to give enough oxygen to all corners of the body.
Those cells which are deprived of oxygen are trapped with corbon dioxide and die out. We all know that after a certain age we don't grow. This means that the production of newer cells stops or reduces drastically after a particular age and also we with our improper breathing technique add to the injury by killing more cells as a result of which we show varied symptoms of aging depending upon our body conditions and breathing pattern.
Live longer. Live until you die. Breathe deep. Breathe easy. Be always breath conscious.